There have been a lot of emails to VB Customer Service & posts in the VillabeauTIFFul Community Facebook group regarding VB Newsletters not being delivered, so we wanted to compile the information we have so it's easily accessible for all.
Are you a member of the VillabeauTIFFul Community Facebook group? We have a file in the group that is updated with a link for each VB Newsletter that is sent, which can be used to view the newsletters online at any time. We also have links available on the ShopVillabeautifful Instagram highlight Newsletters, in case this happens again in the future.
Some tips for missing newsletters:
- Verify that it's not in any of your junk / spam / promotion folders
- Search your mailbox for keyword "villabeauTIFFul"
- Check your spam filter settings to be sure that the content and/or address isn't blocked or limited
- According to MailChimp's help page, webmail providers such as AOL, Yahoo, or Hotmail throttle delivery, which can sometimes result in emails taking about 24 hours to be delivered to a specific email account
If you have Gmail, you might want to physically log into your account and check the Promotions tab. Promotional emails regarding deals, offers, and marketing materials from online e-commerce websites get filtered into this category, shown in the photo below.
Some tips for future newsletters:
- Make sure to click the box (shown in the photo below) at checkout so you are signed up to get the promotional emails and not just transactional emails regarding your orders
- Add the VB Newsletter email address (hello@villabeautifful.com) to your contact list / address book
Still not receiving the VB Newsletters?
If none of the above work, please try signing back up for the newsletter! You can enter your information into the form at the bottom of the shop VillabeauTIFFul home page. It may help to try also signing up with a second email address if your current one isn't always receiving the newsletters. You can also subscribe to the VB Newsletter when viewing the newsletters online via the links shared on the VillabeauTIFFul social media channels. Both options are shown in the photos below.
We hope this information is helpful & that all future VB Newsletters make it to your inboxes without any trouble! Thanks for taking the time to read the VB Blog!